I wrote this the day I turned 49, almost a year ago.... last week. I have waited so long to post it. I am not sure why I needed the time ... between the words spilling out and feeling comfortable publishing the post. But since I have just read over the words and like I am reading someone else's memory... I guess it is safely time to post. And last week I turned 50, just another happy day. ____________________________________________________ I received a birthday present today. I am forty-nine. While I don't feel old in my soul or spirt - not even my mind (except for the fact that I have read so much, I have to be old), I can now see OLD when I look in the mirror. I wonder if this happens to every person that lives a long time. For such so many years, I had a permanent internal picture of what I looked like. I didn't age a day past 20. When I looked into the mirror, I looked like me - the young me I had always known. It must be telling that I had the abi...