Said I to God, "Love me, Pour down your showers from heaven. Release your geysers from earth. Surround Me in Your presence. Let me float weightless in You, Absorbing goodness into every crevices' That I might be saturated, That my thirst would be quenched, That I would never need another." And God so willingly poured out His love on me, Little me - to the world I am so minor, Just a one in a crowd of millions- even more, A grain of sand upon which the ocean roar, A particle of dust--clothed away- unwanted. But to God I am His everything, A priceless daughter of the King. My heart bursts forth with exuberant, To know, He joys, that I exist. A gift - a gift - I am to Him And He to me - far greater. To love as He - I can not measure Nor ever - though try, I might - to do Like the river He pours out for me and you. Oh, ask Him, try and you will see You will know for yourself - His love - as He has for me.