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Showing posts from May, 2015

Rude, Raw, Received - We Have a Personal Lord and Have Walked Our Own Path

Someone who loves me spoke words to me that hurt. She seemed rude. Her words felt like a slight, but the person said she meant it from a positive place through their experience and journey. We are chiseled in life etch by etch until will shine with light For her words matched her walk and experience and seemed a universal truth. But when one is a daughter of the King she must know first that God alone is the voice that must be obeyed and honored. Advice that seems good for all may not be in proper timing for each. I know that I myself make this error many times, more times than I will probably ever know. With God we have our own personal path, when surrendered we are letting him complete us in His own timing. It is easy to judge from the outward appearance but God sees the inward and deals on levels that are unseen usually to the observer. Comments made cut to the core, Often hit truth and carve us raw, Exposing what we know-- but are not Ready to receive, the timings wr

Stab, Pierce, Bleed, Heal - Words that Hurt

Words can stab Words can pierce Make us bleed Not ready to receive Not spoken by the King Out of timing-- they seem mean. photo credit: written in blood by star95 deviantart Drip, drip, stab--pierce--bleed Therefore, when words hurt, We must forgive the one Who has spoken and Filter as received, covered In grace by His blood. Drip, drip, stab--pierce--bleed Well-meaners, do-gooders, Advice, without knowing That embraced acceptance Is always needed first. Love proceeds instruction. Drip, drip, stab--pierce--bleed Too soon, unready to receive. Dig deep to forgive, Photo Credit: Elyra Coacalia Deviantart Cover in grace, Filter in love, Please the King, An audience of One, Surrender alone to His lead. He will never cause you to bleed, But lead you to heal - In His timing. Drip, drip, stab--pierce--bleed You didn't know my need. You didn't live Through my life. Oblivious - Out of sight-- Two paths converge o

Don't Judge Me - You Do Not Know Me

Stop Don't Judge Me, You only see, Partially. photo credit - zeldabeast "innocence" DeviantArt Love God's eye view, He sees as few, Completely. Know I am seen, Naked and clean, Graciously. Love I must do Return to you Willingly. Hard Surrender Forgive, filter Lovingly. Grow All is used In grace, transfused. Healthily. Give Offering You A living sacrifice To my King.

I Am Coming Unglued - Survivor of Childhood Abuse and Trauma

I was experiencing a trauma trigger. Writing this poem centered me and calmed down my emotions. It is odd but it is what flowed. I do not apologize or analyze because it is real. Poetry coming from trauma is healing; don't look to critically; simple gaze upon like you would abstract art hanging upon a wall. _______________________________________________________ I sense I am coming unglued. Drip, drip, snip, snip Like a rag doll, stitches removed, Pecked away by a raven or crow. It's okay it doesn't know. Carelessly, unaware, It's a bird: it does not care. Hear the water hit the pan, Irritating is the sound, Slowly dripping to the ground. Tin, tapping, repeat, repeat. A dripping faucet, I have a leak. Sadness seeps out of my core. Superglue-- it holds no more. Glasses broken, my dress is tore. How many times did she survive the war? Battles her both day and night? Still she hangs on in the fight. Warrior, so others claim.